
Sunto: Let $M$ be a (connected) complex manifold holomorphically immersed in $\mathbb{CP}^n$.
Let \(T\mathbb{CP}^n|_M= TM \oplus \nu(M)\) be the orthogonal
splitting in tangent and normal bundles with respect to the
Fubini-Study metric. The normal bundle is endowed with
a canonical connection \(\nabla^\perp\) called the normal
connection. The normal holonomy group is by definition
the holonomygroup of the normal connection
of the normal bundle. I will explain how to classify such holonomy groups
and show that their action impose strong conditions
to the manifold \(M\). In particular if the action of the normal holonomy group is
irreducible but not transitive in the projectivization of
the normal bundle then \(M\) is a so called Mok characteristic varieties associated
to bounded symmetric domains. Joint work F. Vittone